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“Christi is well-versed in all facets of accounting and tax issues and has been enormously helpful with both business and personal needs.”
“Christie delivers her services in a focused and knowledgeable BUT UNDERSTANDABLE manner for both the business and professional populations. He...” “Christie delivers her services in a focused and knowledgeable BUT UNDERSTANDABLE manner for both the business and professional populations. Her strengths show themselves when making complex and long terms goals seem attainable and realistic. I highly recommend her as a skilled and valued professional for tax filings, quick books preparations and business financial endeavors. Christie merges skill with great temperament. A choice combination to be found in the business arena.” More
“Christi and my agency have worked together for 5 years now. Every year she comes up with solutions to problems before they are! She is profess...” “Christi and my agency have worked together for 5 years now. Every year she comes up with solutions to problems before they are! She is professional, caring and not your typical CPA. Christi has always gone above and beyond the call of duty when processing our tax returns each year. She stays in contact all year long and makes sure there are no ugly surprises at the end of each tax season. I highly recommend Christi!” More

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Fun Facts about Phoenixville
  • The population of 16,520 in Phoenixville, Pennsylvania is made up of 8,109 males and 8,411 females, an increase of 11.7% since 2000.
  • The median resident age of Phoenixville is 36.2 years, younger than the Pennsylvania median resident age of 40.6 years.
  • Phoenixville’s top employers include Insight Global, Iron Hill Brewery, and Wegmans Food Markets.
  • Phoenixville has an estimated income per capital in 2013 of $33,775, up from $22,911 in 2000.

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Newport Beach, CA 92660

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