Subra Ramanan, CPA - Milpitas Based Online Accounting Help

Milpitas Professional Subra Ramanan, CPA

(1 rating)

Subra Ramanan, CPA

I have been with Neeka since 2011, and they always provide superb services at very reasonable costs. They provide Quarterly Sales Tax return, Payroll reports, and corporate income tax returns, and e... I have been with Neeka since 2011, and they always provide superb services at very reasonable costs. They provide Quarterly Sales Tax return, Payroll reports, and corporate income tax returns, and every report was finished and filed in very timely manner. They are very friendly, and conveniently located. To me, they are the Five-Star company of our local community. Highly recommended !!! More
Y. Keith T. Verified Client

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2549 Eastbluff Drive #448
Newport Beach, CA 92660