Irving Kamsler - Riverdale Based Online Accounting Help

Riverdale Professional Irving Kamsler

(10 ratings)

Irving Kamsler

Mr Irving Kamsler Irv has been preparing and filing my taxes for several several years, Including the Joint taxes until my husband died. First went to him when we had a threatening letter from the IR... Mr Irving Kamsler Irv has been preparing and filing my taxes for several several years, Including the Joint taxes until my husband died. First went to him when we had a threatening letter from the IRS, seeking thousands of dollars due from underpayment. Irv soon determined that we did we not owe any taxes - he was correct!!To sum up - he is knowledgeable, keeps clients informed, honest, prompt and personable. I continue to use his services. More
Ruth W. Verified Client

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2549 Eastbluff Drive #448
Newport Beach, CA 92660