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Jeffrey Pallotta


Cranston Professional Jeffrey Pallotta

Cranston based Jeffrey Pallotta provides accounting and financial help to entrepreneurs throughout Rhode Island. Need help with financial statements, bank reconciliation or payroll? Jeffrey Pallotta provides entrepreneurs with a partner they can rely on. PALLOTTA & ASSOCIATES, LLC is already helping clients just like you. Call us at 401-205-1400 to get acquainted.

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Antonio M.

September 08, 2020

The george donnelly sunset league opened in 1919 and has been harboring scumbags ever since. The league likes to consider itself a premier summer baseball league, but basically, its just full of division 3, intramural, rec-league players, and washed-up never-weres, that are mostly clowns, scumbags and criminals and they just gathered together and said we're premier!, we're the best players!, and we're all friends and we decided we're important so it must be true! and want all of you to believe its true....but its not. Basically, rhode island in a NUTshell.Started by Dr. Peter Integlia and Aurthor Leland, the league has endured all kinds of scandal, including a tenure of being run by a clown named ronald mcdonald really, thats his name and being run today by another clown, chris larose. chris larose is the brother of former providence college pitcher, turned university of rhode islanduri pitching coach, turned division 3 johnson and wales university head coach john larose a complimentary clown to former uri player and head coach, frank leoni, who is solely responsible for destroying the careers of countless baseball players at uri with respect to the few talented players at uri, he fcked with the talented ones, william and mary, the necbl, and marthas vinyard collegiate summer league, but not at division 3 marymount, where they just got tired of him messing up good players careers and instead of disciplining him, or banning him from ever coaching again, they just sent him somewhere where he couldnt screw with peoples careers because they arent talented enough. Not offensive. True.Leoni also played in the george donnelly sunset league on a team called the town dock mariners, where, under the guidence of the late scumbag al alverez, would continues to attempt to destroy the careers of the same players he had put so much work into destroying in college if that player attempted to show him up in the league. And to call these guys on the town dock mariners scumbags is no easy feat, because the mariners also suited up a 3rd degree sex offender, former teacher and meatball pitcher, richard lalime.Leoni would also populate the league with some of his college players and spread them out to other teams in the league to further spread his covid-like infection to scouts and others. Such as former uri second baseman slash shortstop, spicy jeff pallotta. Nicknamed spicy by his college teamates for his love of the subway spicy italian sandwich, pallotta would have been better off bringing a footlong to the plate with him than a bat and potato chip bag with him onto the field instead of a glove. All in all considered though, these are minor problems for jeff, as his birth defective mouth is a signal to all that see him that there just isnt something right with that boy. paling around with good pal, and fellow division 3234234 north providence high school teammate and gopher-ball server, kenny voller, and steroid at the very least abuser and providence ri cop, paul swinson, whos eyes constantly appear strung out and wide open, like heroin user after just taking a hit, yeah, like, pallotta conveniently enough ended up on the right team in the newport sunset league, RR construction, like he should be doing for a living instead of accounting at mental health facilities, through gateway health or fatima hospital in you guessed it, north providence, where he contaminates the organization with toxic lies about individuals so that they will be brought in and diagnosed with mental health conditions that will hopefully be enough to keep that individual from surpassing him, and others, like leoni and dom coro, in baseball. how rhode island! But why stop there when you can use cops affiliated with the league and play in the league to falsify charges against innocent individuals they dont want to succeed, or even physically assault or try to break the arm of players with some of your underworld buddys, say from federal hill in providence, ri. with team manager, and fck it, why not, player forever, too, dom coro.Nobody has milked more out of the george donnelly sunset league than scumbag domenic dom coro, and for that matter, his brother,scumbag jerry coro, and Im sure his boys now playing in the league will milk it for all its worth, too. Probably living in the ally under the right field multi-families when there isnt a game, dom coro has spent more of his adult life with this league than anything else....aside from burying players in the league for his own benefit, that is.A favorite of dom coro is to have a scout come to a game to see a player that the scout is interested in, but that coro doesnt like, and just before the game, coro has that player switch uniform numbers with another player he does want the scout to see so that the scout thinks hes looking at the player he came to see, but instead, he is looking at the player coro wants to be seen, or even taking the jersey from an outstanding player and putting it on one of the many bums so that the scout thinks the player he came to see sucks, which may be even more satisfying to them, probably because some kind of payoff or shady undertaking took place. Its classic sunset league. Its classic rhode island.But so stupid are they, especially inclusive of dom coro, that they dont even realize that who they are trying to hide, who they are trying to not be seen, is already well known to not only that scout, but to other scouts, nationwide, and to Major League Baseball itself. Which starts its own investigation in itself. Idiots.dom coro will probably be on that field with his walker and his wheelchair still playing, taking time away from players that need innings and need to be seen, until the day he collapses and no doubt already has a plot picked out somewhere under the scoreboard where his last wish will be to have a glove mounted to his tombstone and to continue to write him into the lineup everynight so that someone more deserving doesnt take his spot....or even a game he wasnt in the lineup for. Pathetic. What a loser, huh, jeff. ass slap leave.But if you havent had your fill of scumbaggery yet, the george donnelly sunset league once again proves it has NO standards when it comes to people who are in their clique, as with former bishop hendricken high school all-stater, minor league washout, convicted felon, and george donnelly sunset league player, chris costantino, whos father allan costantino, owns venda ravioli on mafia stronghold, federal hill in providence, rhode island, and if you havent guessed, a know mafia hangout. chris costantino was charged with felony illegal gambling and drugs in association with the mafia and if you check the lineup card, he'll probably be out there tonight and theyll be proud to have him. Tells you all you need to know.Also included in this corruption are former community college of rhode island head baseball coach and cranston city councilor and sunset league coach, dom coro pal, and aspiring cranston mayoral candidate, kenneth ken hopkins and his sons who have polluted various levels of baseball in rhode island. Anthony fic ficoceli who is tied in with dom coro and the whole north providence scumbag clan and a former coach for chris iannetta which goes to show the scumbag roots he comes from and the path-clearing done for him, former uri players steve cote, chris rothemitch, steve major, and steroid user from pawtucket, pat freebird freeman and the ever juiced up former uri outfielder john farrell and u-maine washout and uri catcher morgan spoonman wotherspoon. douchebag, former uri player, and teammate of leoni, and south kingston high school head coach, james jim sauro, former teacher and smithfield, rhode island cop and friend of coro, kevin mcgee. uri meatball pitcher, don smith. rr construction catcher and certified POS, dave nassa. town dock mariners junk-baller, cliff peasley, Former cranston east player, coach, and sunset league legend in his own mind and all-time home run leader a record he will actively scheme and try to get rid of people or keep them from the league to protect, mike cantone and his retarded nephew, joe cantone. former north providence high school shortstop and minor league wash out, paul rizzo, former south kingston high school pitcher and minor leaguer, throught the services of coro, jeremy ward, dean solitro, baseball nomad, because he sucks everywhere he goes, scott woodward, east greenwich cop teacher, and mudville 9 pitcher, dave bush, former providence college assistant coach, head coach, current central connecticut state university ccsu head coach and friend of coro, whos son played for him at ccsu through no doubt some type of treachery, charlie hickey, university of connecticut head coach, jim penders and former coach andy baylock, late bishop hendricken head coach val innocente, current bishop hendricken head coach ed holloway, former west warwick high school baseball coach, american legion coach, johnson and wales athletic director and certified scumbag, john parrente who would hide players from scouts or put them out of position to promote other players, i.e. putting pitches in the outfield during all-star games for american legion games he coached so that his pitchers would be seen and the other wouldnt, and a multitude of other low-lifes and is inclusive of the rhode island independent amature baseball league riiabl and the rhode island ocean state baseball league run by david l'etoile and the rhode island amature baseball league inclusive of other baseball leagues.Dont think these people can and have attempted to ruin others careers and lives....think again.When you think about it, the george donnelly sunset league is classic rhode island. It shows you everything you think you should be seeing, presented in a way you expect it to be seen, but all of it is scumbaggin' bullsht.The term scumbag, in many circumstances, can have a negative connotation. But when the term scumbag or the like adjective, is the most appropriate word to describe something that is accurate, it ceases to be offensive...BECAUSE IT IS A TRUE DESCRIPTION. If something or someone or something were not a scumbag, he, she, or it would not be called one. Thus, the use of scumbag, or the like, in this report.Dont waste your money or your time to be deceived.This information has been referred to and verified through various agencies.

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