Scott Nissen - Bellingham Based Online Accounting Help

Bellingham Professional Scott Nissen
1 2 3 4 5
(1 rating)

Scott Nissen

Scott Nissen is wonderful to work with and really knows his stuff. I have a complicated tax situation and not only does he do a great job with my taxes, he takes the time to explain everything along ... Scott Nissen is wonderful to work with and really knows his stuff. I have a complicated tax situation and not only does he do a great job with my taxes, he takes the time to explain everything along the way! It is clear he sincerely enjoys what he does. Scott is personable, approachable, down to earth and listens to his clients. I have recommended him several times and everyone has come away happy with his service. More
1 2 3 4 5
Emily P. Verified Client

Reviews 1 2 3 4 5 (1 rating)


1 2 3 4 5

Emily P.

August 06, 2019

Verified Client

Scott Nissen is wonderful to work with and really knows his stuff. I have a complicated tax situation and not only does he do a great job with my taxes, he takes the time to explain everything along the way! It is clear he sincerely enjoys what he does. Scott is personable, approachable, down to earth and listens to his clients. I have recommended him several times and everyone has come away happy with his service.

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2549 Eastbluff Drive #448
Newport Beach, CA 92660
