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CPA Professional Christi Bender

(12 ratings)

Christi Bender, CPA

I was referred to Christi about 4 years ago after I made a terrible error on my return using Turbo Tax (never again!) Christi was able to rectify my return quickly and efficiently. After that, I start... I was referred to Christi about 4 years ago after I made a terrible error on my return using Turbo Tax (never again!) Christi was able to rectify my return quickly and efficiently. After that, I started using her services exclusively. She not only helped with the start up of my small business, but also prepares my returns year after year, and offers book keeping services so I can focus on my business. I appreciate CB's down to Earth attitude, her knowledge of everything accounting, and her drive to help so many people like me. Family members and friends now go to CB for their tax prep and we are all very satisfied. More
Holly J.

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2549 Eastbluff Drive #448
Newport Beach, CA 92660