Ahlberg K. Auna - San Antonio Based Online Accounting Help

San Antonio Professional Ahlberg K. Auna

(6 ratings)

Ahlberg K. Auna

My situation is some what unique. 18 years ago my wife and I accepted a professional position in New Zealand. We meant to stay one year and have now been here over 18. 2 years ago my American Accounta... My situation is some what unique. 18 years ago my wife and I accepted a professional position in New Zealand. We meant to stay one year and have now been here over 18. 2 years ago my American Accountant for close to three decades retired. As can be imagined, transferring to someone new was always going to be stressful. We did our research. Interviewed several choices being used by other American expats in our area and settled on Ahlberg. The transition has been seemless. He is extremely knowledgeable about our unique filling situation. His responses and prompts are quick and spot on. We couldn't be more satisfied with our decision. More
Stephen B. Verified Client

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2549 Eastbluff Drive #448
Newport Beach, CA 92660